The birth of NepaliVivah

Before Nepal plunged in civil war in 1996, Nepalese rarely would emigrate out of Nepal. The civil war that lasted for ten years forced millions of Nepalese to leave their home and settle in foreign countries. As a result, Nepalese are scaterred around the world. Most of the villages and towns became empty as the young people departed the country. This mass exodus created another problem: the young people who landed in foreign countries are not able to find a partner to get married to. In trational Nepali society, parents take the charge to find a groom or a bride for their children. In absense of parents, their children face difficulty in finding someone. NepaliVivah seeks to bridge this gap. We are helping the global single Nepalese to connect and marry. We are excited that we are able to unite families. We feel happy each time we make a match!

Experience with other matrimony platforms

"In order to search a groom for my sister, I signed up with one major Indian Matrimonial service provider Since I did not have the option to pay per month, I had to sign up for three months. I paid approximately 100 US Dollars. The number of prospects whose contact I could view was limited. There were several other limitations such as who I could message, call or interact with. The biggest problem was that most users did not know that their profile existed in the matrimonial website. They had either created their profile and forgot about it or someone had created profile for them but didn't care to revisit the website. When I would call them, they often would say that they didn't know who created the profile. After getting barely countable responses from some real members, I finally went to meet three candidates; all turned out to be either physically or mentally challenged. I wish the website had some serious quality members. I wasted my time, money; what I got was frustration." Statement of a major Indian Matrimonial website user

A simple Google search displays several matrimonial websites - all offering nearly similar platform and expensive fees. Although they offer free sign ups for everyone, it merely increases the number of users, most of them, not serious. This created frustration for serious members like you.

Not anymore

Nepali Vivah does not want any junk members. As such, we implemented a minimal fee to discourage those junks from entering into NepaliVivah.

Minimal fee much lower than the competition

Although we implemented a fee for all members, it is still much lower than the fees charged by any matrimonial websites in the world. For a comparison of fees, please see our Pricing Page.

Fair Game

We believe it is unfair for one member to pay fee while other doesn't. Not only you are looking for someone special, someone is looking for you as well. Keeping that in mind, NepaliVivah charges very minimal affordable fees from everyone.

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